Buses from Amman to Petra

How to go from Amman to Petra, Buses from Amman to Petra.

  • Amman to Petra Distance Table.
  • Buses from Amman to Petra and local transportation options.
  • Professional English speaking taxi.

Distance and Time Table

From and ToDistanceTime on the roadVisiting time.
Desert High Way250 KM2.5 Hours0 minutes.
kings High Way290 KM5 Hours90 minutes.
Dead Sea High Way220 Km3.5 Hours60 minutes.


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Buses from Amman to Petra

Tourist Bus, Jett Bus

1- Tourist Bus from Amman to Petra.

How to do it ?

Only One bus goes daily at 6:30 am, from Jett Bus station in Abdali which is 10 minutes taxi ride from Downtown.

You need to be cautious, wake up at 5:30 be outside your hotel 5:50 am , find a taxi Book or an Uber and head to the station.

If your travel style is less than five star Hostels you will like this option !

Jet Bu from Amman to Petra

Cost of the Trip and a small advise!

The price should be between 3 to 5 Jd per taxi ride, and the bus charges 11 JD per person for a one way trip, this bus stops at the entrance gate which is great of course if you want to visit Petra when you reach at noon, but if your hotel in Wadi Musa town and you want to check in and relax before the visit you need to go and come back by  Normal Yellow Taxi.

Important Notes;

  • There is only one bus at 6:30 am sharp, you need to be there before 6:00 am if you did not book online before, The Booking is necessary in high season.
  • This Bus usually stops in a Bazaar where you can have a cup of coffee and use the toilet. 
  • The Bus is an Air-conditioned Bus, nice and clean.
  • Do not worry if you have big luggage plenty of space in the luggage compartment. 
Local Bus, No Time Schedule

2- Less convenient option to go to Petra from Amman.

How to do it ?

Firstly Take a yellow taxi from the street to the “South Bus Terminal station “or in Arabic  “Mugama Al Ganoobee” “مجمع الجنوب” .

Secondly from there take a bus to Petra bus station. 

If your travel style is” Dorms in Hotels” or ” Hostels” you will like this option !

Cost of the Trip and a small advise!

The price should be between 3 to 5 Jd per taxi ride, and the bus charges 4-7 JD per person for a one way trip, also you need to check in to your hotel in Wadi Musa put your bags, and from there walk down 20 minutes to Petra or sleep over and next day enjoy Petra early in the morning.

Important Notes;

  • This bus goes when it is full therefore for best results be there before 2 Pm.
  • This Bus will stop at Villages and Universities it is not a very comfortable ride but it is the Local way! Fun way!
  • Do not expect an Air-conditioned Bus.
  • Minimum space for luggage only under the chairs or you have to pay for an extra person. 
Shared Service Taxi with Local buses

3-Least convenient option, to go from Amman to Petra. 

Shared Service Taxi the White one

How to do it ?

Firstly Take the white shared taxi from Amman Downtown near the gold market to the South terminal bus station.

If your travel style is” Dorms in Hostels” you will like this option !

Secondly from there take a bus directly to Petra, this is a public bus hence it goes when it is full, in order to get there the same day be there before 2 Pm, this Bus will stop at Villages and Universities it is not a very comfortable ride but it is the Local way!

The price should be around 1 JD per person for the shared taxi, and the bus charges 5 JD per person one way, maybe 7 Jd sometime depends on his mood!!

Important Notes;

  • There is no Time schedule this bus goes when it is full therefore for the best results be there before 2
  • This is not for everybody only for travelers with very very tight budget

If your travel style is” Dorms in Hotels” or ” Hostels” you will like this option !

I try my best to give all the options to suit each traveler style so it is not to discriminant between travelers

I wrote it to help you enjoy your time in our beloved Jordan

The public buses does not have any time schedule in Jordan, therefor as a rule of thumb if you start your trip at 9 am there is buses and you will get there. 

Fees ; the fees keep changing and sometimes negotiable they might ask for 4 to 7 jd per person for the local bus.


If  you are traveling to Jordan more than 3 days and you want to visit Petra obviously, then it is worth it to check www.jordanpass.jo as you would save money and time.


Check this link to book a Jett Bus for Petra, which is the tourist class bus at 6:30 am 


We can offer you special discounts if you use our website for Layaali Amman Hotel Booking as it is a new clean nice hotel in Amman and overlooks the Roman Theater 

Please check the www.layaaliamman.com

Book Online 

Professional English Speaking Drivers.

Safe, and hassle Free trip.

Airport to Amman
Please Ask anything you like !
Kindly tell us about your experience by commenting to this post if you experienced any problems, or have a better suggestion or any warnings to future travelers kindly post it here ,no need to login. By sharing your experience you will have a great effect to eliminate all the tourist trap like taxi drivers and so on …. Thank you. and enjoy Jordan 🙂
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